This function wraps ckanr::package_search() to search for any records matching a given set of keywords within the Open Canada Portal.

  records = 10,
  only_results = TRUE,
  format_results = FALSE,



(character vector) A set of keywords to query.


(numeric) The number of matching records to return from the CKAN query (number of rows in the JSON output), default to 10.


(logical) Whether the function should return only the results without the query metadata (default is TRUE).


(logical) Whether the function should return a formatted output of the results as a tibble or an unformatted version under the form of a list of CKAN packages (default is FALSE).


More arguments to be passed on to ckanr::package_search().


If only_results is TRUE and format_results is FALSE

(recommended), will return only the results of the search as a CKAN_package_stack. If only_results is FALSE, will return a list including also the query metadata. If format_results is TRUE, the function formats the output as a data frame (not CKAN packages).


if (FALSE) {
search <- govcan_search("dfo", 10)
search_format <- govcan_search("dfo", 10, format_results = TRUE)
search_list <- govcan_search("dfo", 10, only_results = FALSE)
search_list_format <- govcan_search("dfo", 10, format_results = TRUE,
                                   only_results = FALSE)